Conference Talk: “Design-dev cooperation and fast Android prototyping”

Juhani Lehtimäki
Android UI Patterns
1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Last year, Pierluigi Rufo (@pierluigirufo) and I were touring couple of conferences talking about Dev-Designer cooperation and how we tackle it. This is an issue very close to my heart. When the interdisciplinary cooperation works the results are amazing and work pleasant.

(photo by Droidcon UK)

There are couple of recordings online. I recommend you check out the Droidcon UK recording. This was our second round of the talk and we improved it a bit. Free registration required though to watch the video:

Droidcon Berlin was our first round. It’s OK but could have been better. Recording of that is online here:

You can find slides of the talk here:



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